Monday, October 24, 2011

l'italia pt 4

The last 3 days of our trip were spent wandering the streets of Rome. As soon as we had booked our tickets, I started reading the food blog by Katie Parla. I didn't want to waste a meal eating anything less than delicious food, so having a guide like hers was extremely helpful. Of course it never goes perfectly. We accidentally walked around the entire perimeter of the Vatican looking for a pizza place that was never found (thanks to a huge error in the map we were using!) and two restaurants with the same name yielded an unfortunate plate of pasta. Then again, we happened to be staying 2 blocks away from a wine tasting hosted by Katie and the sommelier Hande which ended up being a total pleasure. We drank some fantastic wine, tried cheeses and meats from Lazio and met a couple who live three blocks away from me in San Francisco. The event was a fundraiser and you can read more about it here.

sunlight on a church

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