Saturday, September 12, 2009

visiting mom

"The site was a hot springs retreat center in the past, operating as "Howard Hot Springs" until 1974. The existing lodge, sixty-five small cottages, and large bathing facilities are being rebuilt with the help of an expert team of green architects and builders to create an experiential learning environment, ecovillage and intentional retreat that models sustainable practices and consciousness, including extensive permaculture gardens and an intentional design that invites residents and visitors to live consciously in each moment."

Right now, it's 318 acres of land with a lot of funky buildings waiting to be torn down. But a garden was planted by my mom to feed the groups of people who come and work on the project. To me, visiting Avalon for the first time felt a lot like going to the camp in Dirty Dancing, only forgotten and in total disrepair. It's kind of spooky to imagine all of the people who have been there since the 1880's when it first opened, but it's also exciting to see the potential.

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