Monday, January 14, 2008

etsy finds

Looking through the thousands of pages on etsy can be daunting. Here is just a little taste of the many amazing things you can find.

We don't fight about much, but for some reason what goes on the walls is always a big "discussion." Jose Lampreia is something we can agree on, and so we bought one of his gorgeous photographs and I bet we'll get more.
I bought one of these purses by blackbags, and then my sister bought one. And then a friend bought one. And we are all happy about it. I love all the pockets.

I don't think I even need to say anything about these. They speak for themselves. Many more darling shoes are available. Made by Diddle Dumpling.

I want this bag. I really, really want it. Made by Paco and Lupe and oh so cute.
I've had my eye on several prints from Jill Dryer. When the new office is set-up, I think I just might finally get one.

I noticed these great mugs from yogagoat months ago, and if I could spend that kind of money on mugs I would in a second.

Cristina wore a Cyberoptix TieLab tie at our wedding. I'd like to order one of each, they are that cool. By the way, they make great Valentine's Day gifts.

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