Saturday, February 14, 2009

etsy finds

So today is the day to show the ones you love just how much they mean to you. Or, as my wife put it, it's a bullshit holiday. So much pressure if you do have a significant other, and if you don't, it's the recipe for depression. So rather than tell you the story of my most romantic Valentine's ever, I'll provide you with a little hate. Yes, that's right-here are some fantastic cards and "gifts" for anyone that's ever been on your hate list
Beggars can't be choosers by CarolLeeDesigns $3

Mean Bags by maybeyoushoulddie $12

Angry Little Office Notes by NeatThings $8

I Hate Your Guts by DanaDepew $70

He is an Asshole by ripecards $3

She is a Filthy Whore by ripecards $3

Thanks for the Herpes by Earmark $3.50

I Hate People by greenteerevolution $26

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